In about 13 hours, I will embark on another Ukraine mission! Prepared? ha. I just finished packing my suitcase 3 min. ago. and my brain is quite similar to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pathetic as it may be, missing out on most of the Olympics is a huge sacrifice for me, I'm already wrapped up in them, making it hard to focus on the trip.
Also making it hard to come up with an authentic prayer list. But boy does this trip need prayer! and I know you all want to cover our needs in prayer, so here we go-
This trip is about God's mission of restoration. Pray that our team and the Ukrainian team would unite as servants humbly, joyfully, and powerfully bringing God's message to the lost. These orphans have no hope, but we have hope as a sure and steadfast anchor for our souls- pray that these kids cling to Jesus as their Hope and Savior, that "they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."
Pray Isaiah 61 and 62 over Ukraine! that the poor will receive the Good News, that the brokenhearted will be bound up, the captives freed, the suffering comforted, the faint-spirited filled with praise, the ancient ruins built up, the cast off orphans acknowledged as offspring the Lord has blessed, the Forsaken renamed Sought Out!
Pray our American and Ukrainian team work as one body, stay spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy, let go of anything we grasp, serve with supernatural energy and endurance, and ultimately, "pray that the sharing of (our) faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ."
Pray for Yulya.
This will be my third time visiting her. She committed her life to Christ last summer, but I don't know how to encourage her faith, even with a translator. I want to see her set free, filled with the joy of the Lord, redeemed, pure, whole. My heart is so burdened when I think of her, and I honestly feel helpless. I don't want to show up a third time and just be her American buddy that randomly shows up and listens to music with her. Pray that God will fill her with all joy and peace, that she would abound in hope, and for her future. Though I'm pretty certain she has already been abused, more abuse and exploitation are in her future without a miracle.
And pray for me. I've never lead a team before and I already feel totally inadequate. Pray that my motives would be pure, my actions genuine. Pray that God makes me sensitive to the needs of my team and that He would supply me to serve them in every way. Pray that I am focused and intentional. Oh, and please pray I make it through the plane rides with no health problems, I tend to have intense stomach pain when I fly, not motion sickness, it's hard to describe, but my doctor couldn't find anything wrong so it's not too serious, don't worry!
I don't know how to properly thank you all for your prayers. Last summer and in January, I tangibly felt and witnessed God answering your prayers; I felt covered. You are all dear to me and I'm so thankful for your investment in my life. Bless you!!
Pathetic as it may be, missing out on most of the Olympics is a huge sacrifice for me, I'm already wrapped up in them, making it hard to focus on the trip.
Also making it hard to come up with an authentic prayer list. But boy does this trip need prayer! and I know you all want to cover our needs in prayer, so here we go-
This trip is about God's mission of restoration. Pray that our team and the Ukrainian team would unite as servants humbly, joyfully, and powerfully bringing God's message to the lost. These orphans have no hope, but we have hope as a sure and steadfast anchor for our souls- pray that these kids cling to Jesus as their Hope and Savior, that "they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."
Pray Isaiah 61 and 62 over Ukraine! that the poor will receive the Good News, that the brokenhearted will be bound up, the captives freed, the suffering comforted, the faint-spirited filled with praise, the ancient ruins built up, the cast off orphans acknowledged as offspring the Lord has blessed, the Forsaken renamed Sought Out!
Pray our American and Ukrainian team work as one body, stay spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy, let go of anything we grasp, serve with supernatural energy and endurance, and ultimately, "pray that the sharing of (our) faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ."
Pray for Yulya.
This will be my third time visiting her. She committed her life to Christ last summer, but I don't know how to encourage her faith, even with a translator. I want to see her set free, filled with the joy of the Lord, redeemed, pure, whole. My heart is so burdened when I think of her, and I honestly feel helpless. I don't want to show up a third time and just be her American buddy that randomly shows up and listens to music with her. Pray that God will fill her with all joy and peace, that she would abound in hope, and for her future. Though I'm pretty certain she has already been abused, more abuse and exploitation are in her future without a miracle.
And pray for me. I've never lead a team before and I already feel totally inadequate. Pray that my motives would be pure, my actions genuine. Pray that God makes me sensitive to the needs of my team and that He would supply me to serve them in every way. Pray that I am focused and intentional. Oh, and please pray I make it through the plane rides with no health problems, I tend to have intense stomach pain when I fly, not motion sickness, it's hard to describe, but my doctor couldn't find anything wrong so it's not too serious, don't worry!
I don't know how to properly thank you all for your prayers. Last summer and in January, I tangibly felt and witnessed God answering your prayers; I felt covered. You are all dear to me and I'm so thankful for your investment in my life. Bless you!!